Expansion of Dell Cluster for the Department of Physical Sciences

Dell Cluster

  Posted on: February 15, 2014

The Dell Cluster for existing nodes assembled in early 2008 was in need of upgrading. The department of Physical Sciences along with assistance from IT Services has purchased 4 additional nodes to modernize and expand the Dell cluster that currently exists. This cluster is used in two courses and for the research training of a…

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Smartphone Security Awareness

  Posted on: December 20, 2013

On December 17, 2013 from 11am–2pm, the ITS Information Security Office hosted a SmartPhone Security Awareness event open to all staff and faculty. Over 100 people participated and ten ITS staff members provided individual training sessions at six stations. By visiting each station with their passports individuals received information and a stamp indicating they had…

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Java Update Error

Java Logo

  Posted on: February 18, 2013

Updating Java to Update 51 or newer, causes issues with the old version of Blackboard 8, which is currently still in use for Open Learning courses. You can edit your exception list to match the example provided on the left. More Information

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